What are the Advantages of Certification Service by tutorark.com?
Place the Certification stamp on your ad!
When an ad has the Certification stamp from tutorark.com, it means that we took all the necessary steps to confirm the identity of the tutor. Since students can trust you more, this dramatically increases the chances of receiving a message from them.
Verify Your Degrees!
We will we will place a Verification tag next to each degree that you publish in your profile.
Place your ad higher!
Ads with the certification stamp will always be displayed in priority on categories pages.
Earn Special Discounts available only to tutors that have gone through the certification service.
For certified Professors we offer special discounts for all our services.
The certification service has an one time fee of 19.99€
There is no expiration date, meaning that tutors will enjoy the benefits ever after. (Please note that the price does not include a subscription to tutorark.com. To see the messages sent to you by prospective students, you will need a subscription to tutorark.com. The certification service is included in the annual subscription.)
Interested! How to proceed?
You can oredr the certification service by clicking on the following button